Baine Bloodhoof, leader of the Tauren of the Horde, and Mortal enemy of Garrosh, for he was the one who killed his father in a dual, Carine.

Garrosh Hellscream, the Leader of the Orcs, and Warchief of the 'New Horde'.

Vol'jin, Leader of the Darkspear trolls, but chooses to have nothing to do with Garrosh's New horde.

Lor'themar Theron, Leader of the Surviving Bloodelfs, after Kael'thas joined Illidan's army.

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, leader of the Forsaken, the cunning undead army.

Boss Mida, Overlord of the Goblin Islanders, who fled after the rise of Deathwing.