Welcome to WhyWoW. The blog that Saps, Backstabs, and evicerates steriotypes in the face! Im Zegeruss, Level 70 Hunter, also known as Seth sherrod, and im the maker of this lovely Blog-arino!

Friday, March 11, 2011

note to self: Lich king is well guarded. need i say more?


Street racing...?

Due to the devistation, TigerRacing has become an underground sport, on the docks of Darkshore...


Whoever said 'Ariguitar' Was lame, should be shot. Me and my schoolmate Brandon seem to rock out, in perfect harmony. pretty epic show dude.

Lich Prince??? :O

Zegerus is just your everyday Paladin, but lately, people have looked at him differently... its not like, hes the son of all evil, and who will bring total annihilation to all of Azeroth... Right? ?:D

Horde Tension!! Alliance Chance?

Tension Between Trolls and Orcs have risen, due to Garroshes hatred to them. The trolls are still apart of the horde, but they have there own city now, and call themselves 'Neutral' but yet... i cant go say hi as an alliancemen... :C

Lets Talk about goblins...

Who ever said goblins machenery isn't safe?! They got us Jetpacks...
...And Steam boats! they joined the horde? who cares! GO GOBBIES!