Welcome to WhyWoW. The blog that Saps, Backstabs, and evicerates steriotypes in the face! Im Zegeruss, Level 70 Hunter, also known as Seth sherrod, and im the maker of this lovely Blog-arino!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Attack point? LICH KING!

Me, My Elite guild known as the "WolfHunters" Have begun our seige on Ice Crown Citidel!

Our team consited of mainly wolfhunters, and a few others who were choosen from our 'Partner' Guilds

The combat is sure to be feirce!

Sunday, December 26, 2010


In WoW you can get titles, or second names for things you do in the WoW. EXAMPLE? SURE! :D
for the "Winter" (Christmas) events, you have to do a group of about 10 quests to achieve 'Merrymaker' as seen here, as i fight the demonic corehound, Beauty. ...lolwut?

Monday, December 20, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Horde raid? please...

A group of 27, level 80 Horde soldgers charged into Stormwind City, the base city of the Alliance. They faught threw many level 75 guards. they got the the throne room, and were met by 120 Alliance Soldgers, ranging from levels 80-70. A Horde raid? Please...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Me, my friends, and micah ^^

Me, Micah O'mally, and Colt Kibby Screwing around in the old Gnome City, turned into trogg base, Gnomergan.

I win ^^

I have succesfully defeated micah, And all his stupid goons ^^
Me and Micah Perform a stand-off... PREPARE FOR BATTLE MICAH!! >:S

(A Quick Map)

( just a simple map of Azeroth, almost half the World of Warcraft xD)

Look Out! Kel'Thuzad!!

Eh-GAD! the Lueitenant to the Lich King!! He, and his powerful Plague Spreders, and his emense Undead Army Encrouch the continent of Northrend!


Zegeruss is hanging with his Robot Entourage! after killing them, he can make them into his robotic minions!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

graphics! :D

Well, the main reason i show screenshots, is to show what you can do in teh World of warcraft. but now, i wanna point out the graphics. now, if it REALLY has graphics from 1972, as a schoolmate of mine said. would you really be able to see this big ol' tub of death, as he is?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Sniper Time!

well, it took 5 hours, but i finnaly climbed the mountain the Warsong Gulch, and as the battle comences, i get my lucky rifle out for some sniper time-ing. >:D

Well, This sucks. <:o

Awww... Missed the Zepplin that comes around every 5 minutes on my Undead Mage. kinda bored, so i listened to some slipknot! :D

My First Post! :D

This Be meh First post! and i gotta GREAT pic 4 ya'llz.Its a pic of me and the lich king just hangin' and kickin it. Cause thats what we awesome people do. B)